A dear, new friend of mine very graciously gifted me two plants for my yard, a Columbine and a Burning Bush (how appropriate! ha ha ha). Anyone who knows me well, knows that I do not have a green thumb at all...it's more brown. The Burning Bush only had a few leaves on it (it evidently didn't like where it was living in her yard) and the Columbine, while was not flowering, had many large and fluorishing leaves. The Burning Bush continued to look as it had when it lived in her yard, like dormant twigs and a handful of leaves on one tiny, lone branch. The Columbine, however, started to wilt immediately. I watered it and talked to it, and much to my dismay, it started to yellow. I was warned about root shock and that sometimes transplants didn't take, but it still made me sad because I
*so* wanted this lovely flower to thrive with me. A few weeks later, something remarkable happened: smaller leaves started sprouting from the middle. They kept getting larger, thicker and taller as the original leaves yellowed, browned and died. "Wow," I thought, "this might not actually die!" I attended a wonderful seminar last weekend on Bioenergetic Medicine and when I returned home, I found a dozen flowers had opened! It got me thinking (as many things do these days) about cycles of all things in our lives, and how sometimes just when you think something is dying, it surprises you with new, healthy growth. Think positively, Lovelies. Set a strong intention and work hard toward it.
Give anything that means something to you, your all. It's not about expecting the unexpected, because the universe will bring you exactly what it is that you expect. It's all about expecting the best, and behaving accordingly. Thank you for sharing space with my thoughts, and I hope you have a fantastic day.
P.S. The Burning Bush is covered with new growth, too :)
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